Ms. Oddo-Bennett Recognized as FCPS CARES of the Month Recipient!
December 2024 / January 2025 FCPS Region 5 Recipient
Congratulations to Ms. Carlie Oddo-Bennett on her recognition as the December 2024 / January 2025 FCPS CARES Region 5 Recipient of the Month, presented by the FCPS Department of Human Resources.
The FCPS CARES Program is an opportunity for parents, staff, and community members to recognize FCPS employees for going above and beyond to help others and show they care. We invite you to submit your story below, so we can all acknowledge the good work of FCPS employees.
Below is the write-up submitted by an Eagle View Elementary School parent.
I am the mother of an Eagle View student who was previously in Ms. Oddo-Bennett's (aka Ms. OB) class. Late in that school year (around February), my son was diagnosed with severe ADHD that requires medication. Up until that point, he was not medicated. His behavior was tempestuous, chaotic, and adversarial on a daily basis. So, out of necessity, I had a lot of contact with Ms. OB. We've had many open, honest conversations about his difficult behavior and his strengths, her concerns and mine, our insights, and ways forward. What I will never forget about these interactions is the kindness and empathy she showed us while we navigated this extraordinary situation. Never once did Ms. OB make me feel anything but supported and heard. She listened. She believed me. She adjusted her classroom for him. We worked together to find the right arrangements. I can't explain with words how much that meant to me, and though he might not realize it until he is much older, to my son and his mental health. What a gift- during one of the most chaotic years of our lives, and I have to imagine a challenging year for her as well, she was there with strength, empathy, and competence. It's not very often that you meet someone like that who can push past their frustrations and offer the best support. In addition, how she was able to provide him with such an amazing educational foundation so that he can now participate in Advanced Academics, I will never know. She is exceptional. Because of my role in the PTA, I still frequently interact with Ms. OB and even many of the students in her classes. Everyone who knows her will emphasize her positive attitude, reliability, and how she endears herself to her students, who want to do their best for her. I once had one of her first-grade students (in an after-school program I monitored) tell me of her plans for making her the best Christmas present ever, even though Santa probably had a million gifts ready for her cause she was so wonderful. Another student told me they thought she was an actual angel. They love her. We all do. Thank you, Ms. OB!