Mrs. Goodfriend Recognized as FCPS CARES of the Month Recipient!
June 2023 FCPS Region 5 Recipient

Congratulations to Mrs. Elizabeth Goodfriend on her recognition as the June 2023 FCPS CARES Region 5 Recipient of the Month!
The FCPS CARES Program is an opportunity for parents, staff, and community members to recognize FCPS employees for going above and beyond to help others and show they care. We invite you to submit your story below, so we can all acknowledge the good work of FCPS employees.
Below is the write-up submitted by an Eagle View Elementary School parent.
I wish to bring to your attention the professionalism of one of your teachers, Mrs. Elizabeth Goodfriend. She has handled the welcoming of my son with wonderful amiability. She possesses such a courteous and warm demeanor yet maintains a stern command presence. This uncommon personality balance supported my son’s development greatly when he was going through this challenging transition to a new school. Mrs. Goodfriend correctly acknowledged his past traumas while not enabling him the excuses for poor behavior. Being he was a new student arriving late in the school year, she showed such patience when he needed it. Her actions and handling of him have left such a profound mark on his life. I am truly grateful that fortune placed her into our lives. Being honest with you I had some concerns when enrolling him into school. Concerns based on current educational mainstream talking points. All those fears were eliminated by Mrs. Goodfriend. She aided me in my new responsibilities with informative emails and introduced great parent-teacher feedback. She showed true professionalism when I bombarded her with questions and provided me with courses of action. Mrs. Goodfriend is an example for schools of what it looks like when someone spends the extra time to hone their craft. From my sons’ stories of school, she clearly shows traits of learning from past failures. Then introduces those life experiences into the education of her students while adhering to the school’s lesson plan. Teaching not by force but through example. I want you to know that it was a welcomed relief working with someone who had the patience to earn my trust versus an individual that expects me to just give it. My newly revealed life stressors as a single father were mitigated because of her. My son gained confidence and life lessons because of her actions. Because of her, I will be returning to Eagle View next year. Please consider spending the time to recognize her. She is an example you can build a foundation of excellence on. Words will never describe the appreciation both me and my son have for the actions of your school and the caring acts of Mrs. Goodfriend.